7 G% W0 Q) z/ R' S+ V/ U 该项研究表明,咒骂可以宣泄情感,甚至还可以帮助建立医患关系。
" m9 |( t& n+ O. X4 O$ m* p “使用脏话需要有技巧,因为这是一种非常紧张激烈的沟通方式,”研究论文执笔者之一、纽约某医院精神病医生丹尼尔-奇莫曼说道。“这种沟通很容易吓到别人,或者让别人难以承受。”
/ O# J1 x0 ?2 E9 N 研究人员在研究中发现,医生有时会用非专业用语和病人建立联系。在一个案例中,一个被解雇了的蓝领病人骂医生对他的生活“狗屁不懂”还对他颐指气使。一位医生意识到他得让这个病人把自己当成是一条战线上的而非一个权威人物,于是回答说:“天,我真得知道你的感受。我还在实习培训期间,老板整天让我干这干那。相信我,我可不是那种跑来对你指指点点的傻蛋。”
8 n+ t) x# S; G9 F% g 研究人员称,通过站在病人的立场跟病人沟通,这位医生得到了病人的信任。奇莫曼称,该方法需要医生对病人的语言暗示做出回应,并且医生还要仔细考虑这种刺激性语言的作用程度到底有多大。5 O- X+ I F* s3 J1 ?7 D/ S1 `
Stuck in the hospital? Go ahead, drop an expletive or two – it might make you feel better, according to a new study。 z( t' V. p* K! a0 B% h
Swearing can provide an emotional catharsis and even a bonding opportunity between doctors and patients in hospitals, according to the research。0 k) Y% W. w' |
"Swearing always has to be used very tactfully, because it is a very intense communication," said study co-author Daniel Zimmerman, a staff psychiatrist at a hospital in New York. "It can easily scare or overwhelm.". ~% [5 i6 s# H, t$ T6 @3 c
They found sometimes doctors used what might be considered unprofessional language to build bonds with patients. In one case study, an unemployed blue-collar patient displayed bitterness toward his doctors for knowing "jack-***" about his life and telling him what to do. One doctor realized he needed the patient to see him as an ally, not an authority figure. So he responded, "Gosh, I know just how you feel. I'm a doctor-in-training and my boss always orders me around. Believe me, I'm not just some asshole who's here to get his kicks telling you what to do."
6 b6 x0 e, N9 M K5 R: [- `$ E By speaking to the patient at his level, the researchers wrote, the doctor gained the man's trust. It's a method that requires doctors to respond to the patient's cues and carefully consider how helpful the offensive language might be, Zimmerman said。 |