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孤单 该用户已被删除
发表于 2003-7-17 21:58:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
长沙' ?/ w% ^- a4 P: c3 s
/ E  b) i/ W+ V, J/ N% D* }9 U. k看万山红遍,层林尽染;漫江碧透,百舸争流。! k# t7 c" M' ], J+ \
鹰击长空,鱼翔浅底,万类霜天竞自由。, ]  ^$ R, f% B9 X* T
怅寥廓,问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮。8 d5 ?( \8 a+ x- y3 O0 s6 }
/ U' Q; n3 w4 M% D0 l& o7 V忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。
8 U. G* E8 A. a3 C- S# U6 E恰同学少年,风华正茂;书生意气,挥斥方遒。, W4 M0 _; M0 G1 W
指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯。; ?8 p. l+ Q7 x0 p
& W6 {) j" M0 [: `. U3 |6 \* T( L) e* L. [. C' M
Changsha " ?, @  h6 n- j1 f* F
Alone I stand in the autumn cold
6 I8 ?( z- G( h- Y  G7 eOn the tip of Orange Island,& @0 D! f* I6 h1 d# j  `. D
The Xiang flowing northward;; P: P$ W) Z- A
I see a thousand hills crimsoned through# N  [" L$ N. k  I2 {
By their serried woods deep-dyed,
/ V! O; A2 w/ r/ a3 z  yAnd a hundred barges vying
* {& y7 i$ I8 N  j& MOver crystal blue waters.7 Y$ J$ z6 |5 U$ s" T! d
Eagles cleave the air,
( G4 {5 z" M# Y# [+ S; b  oFish glide under the shallow water;
: c2 W% z; u& M) f) L, [Under freezing skies a million creatures contend in freedom.- |* M1 L+ s) T, h& z1 N
Brooding over this immensity,4 E8 v% d7 I" D9 I: s
I ask, on this bondless land
$ i- F% I( b) o2 T& a8 S6 ]Who rules over man's destiny?
. s: E+ b) F  n0 C6 {  y( M, J$ a3 |
I was here with a throng of companions,+ N( t' D. j1 F. N* ?' K
Vivid yet those crowded months and years.+ O# x( r! L6 g, N: A! ~
Young we were, schoolmates,
3 d2 q/ ]! N3 CAt life's full flowering;
  ]0 A  w" d+ j1 XFilled with student enthusiasm
9 _$ x# f" o7 T0 b  m( K& U8 \. OBoldly we cast all restraints aside.
6 @: X9 L0 r# l5 NPointing to our mountains and rivers,0 ?) g; e5 Z  E9 V! z4 X2 `9 m' J
Setting people afire with our words,
: M. j% ]% [5 q3 q$ x0 f9 N# ]6 \We counted the mighty no more than muck.
8 T  U) x9 ?6 F, |& D6 a# S2 f  Q0 QRemember still  Y; Y2 Z: C& ~6 s% p* `
How, venturing midstream, we struck the waters
7 m, T, q6 s  i. f& lAnd the waves stayed the speeding boats?
6 c6 ?) a- e' k7 u4 E% j
4 w6 U6 f8 f3 P/ ]  沁园春 雪  1936.02 $ T5 D  P) t$ f. ]6 M
北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。- B- J6 h3 A$ w/ T2 M* V# o; ~
望长城内外,惟馀莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。2 U+ A. H# w% E8 n* ^7 n" d
山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。, U$ c. Z' a* `3 G
2 B) o- P  f3 E2 k, C( b( ~3 a江山如此多娇,4 D0 P0 U6 L$ u: `
引无数英雄竞折腰。5 C& Q' }3 c# k6 N: k0 O, w4 p7 k& G
2 h9 z* u: B; B4 u8 h1 @: r+ d一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。; H  p0 e4 K+ b
俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。/ Q; u) A8 L2 c9 j
& s% D. a4 S" r" }6 v
             Snow ; l7 C$ e; ^6 j' _3 H9 e- I$ }
North country scene:6 w# t5 r3 l6 i# t+ i
A hundred leagues locked in ice," [5 S% U0 D" @
A thousand leagues of whirling snow.1 A4 x5 h* P/ H3 f/ h1 j! Z6 Y
Both side of the Great Wall
1 f$ c% K3 w2 A% M, s. j0 EOne single white immensity.
4 A/ z" b. x) b2 P# T. f4 OThe Yellow River's swift current
* z: I" {4 R8 a1 vIs stilled from end to end.
; W( k, p( y' h  k( ~) Y  H5 OThe mountains dance silver snakes/ o, k' S$ ~( L6 u; v
And the highland charge like wax-hued elephants.5 p, [6 z9 r5 D9 L; J
Vying with heaven in stature.# T; m0 a9 A8 _9 i- H
On a fine day, the land," m9 _( k# r. W6 N' |+ S' {
Clad in white, adorned in red,  U  r3 |: \8 I9 E  r  r" {* i
Crows more enchanting.# X3 F4 r  m. ^
9 p* P" Q! A4 ^  |2 i% `+ Q
This land so rich in beauty
+ c( `0 ~2 N  c! S# rHas made countless heroes bow in homage.
3 h  S4 \  j0 A: p# h4 jBut alas! Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi
" e& I; I: g1 Z  }0 T3 \% I- oWere lacking in literary grace,
5 ]' z6 |( T: k4 j" D6 vAnd Tang Taizong and Song Taizu! C9 i( [0 }. J" `# t1 q  w
Had little poetry in their souls;: `# J: l: C( |3 p
That proud son of Heaven,; z, m$ b# R' @$ s/ ?$ |
Genghis Khan,
7 N$ r& d4 R* k* W" M- w* B8 hKnew only shooting eagles, bow outstretched.- Q) Q! P" S5 m4 K2 f8 a- y+ I
All are past and gone!
4 r/ u% L. u' U4 {For truly great men. h! `6 E0 g' y. [0 Z# E9 p
Look to this age alone.3 R8 F, U$ q! ^3 J  F
6 B$ ^7 W: ^7 M) o  m
" f( y3 o# ^' e  N
西江月 井冈山  1928 秋 1 @+ G, m7 k3 {

8 {0 s/ g& s$ v5 y8 u山下旌旗在望,山头鼓角相闻。8 B, Q! Z2 g: a% z( J
- G6 a8 p- ?) E我自岿然不动。
; b5 B% I0 D) u" N3 A, D4 N* d早已森严壁垒,更加众志成城。
" C! v9 q7 Y  C% x4 y8 r黄洋界上炮声隆,1 b* V) ]& R' x  e
报道敌军宵遁。/ f& ?3 ]2 Z! I$ ~
7 m! i' E9 V; S1 L# `* [& c. G8 G
Below the hills fly flags and banners,
, i7 ^5 A1 W: WAbove the hilltops sounds bugles and drums.
5 l+ A- N2 a, p# ~* P  }7 s  tThe foe encircles us thousands strong,
6 n* j/ h0 H0 [& Q5 _Steadfastly we stand our ground.& |; e! @( E8 X6 Y# q7 |. J

) H, a" t2 X" u' z7 K0 n1 d; kAlready our defence is iron-clad,
' ~% S' j4 X! c4 ^Now our will unite like a fortress.
8 h3 W2 z3 r, a* W0 h2 v0 aFrom Huangyanggai roars the thunder of cannon,
& T7 E; p6 Q8 p3 e# X$ l9 WWord comes the enemy has run away in the night.  o7 c8 B5 M, q* I# `/ T9 g
- G; ]: I3 _: O$ v3 b
采桑子 重阳  1929.10
3 Y0 G( c: i% }, {7 w
0 x& h9 R* e* W" M$ ~9 n人生易老天难老,岁岁重阳。
  R3 x1 T% Z. P8 x+ X, ]# b7 d% j今又重阳,$ N7 e3 r: K. {% f/ C
战地黄花分外香。7 O( B! k3 ?& F- I5 K3 ^
一年一度秋风劲,不似春光。1 w' [( G* r2 v& V/ j8 F6 p" S" r4 d
胜似春光,1 |' c3 a/ d  k" O+ S+ }
寥廓江天万里霜。- {& Q% [! g% K! ?; S- p! d: _" t
The Double Ninth $ N8 O7 D/ \' |! V6 L! g! ^2 z

9 z) f: n+ O  A. J% f& rMan ages all too easily, not Nature;: u; a7 X  b) E. X- ^. Z' ^
Year by year the Double Ninth returns.
6 j: d+ \) ^) R9 R! aOn this Double Ninth,
& {, ~5 S) X0 H- v) L' {The yellow blooms on the battle field smell sweeter.
5 C' n$ x* g6 X0 n) s1 b9 J' P$ E' m. W$ ~7 L- g2 X. z
Each year the autumn wind blow fierce,8 a2 Z* z2 U' T0 _* |8 {. L
Unlike string's splendour,9 x$ e6 a; F$ P: t# q  {
Yet surpassing spring's splendour,8 l$ G& V  I& x! \# \+ n
See the endless expanse of frosty sky and water.
" Q& g( l- h. ]! z' Z% u4 \% L4 C0 E; [; {
$ \' S9 P& }' J2 I% i2 \& A
水调歌头 游泳  1956.06
) j) }* W* S) Z4 ^
3 F7 Z# I+ x: E. u( w1 R才饮长江水,又食武昌鱼。
/ ^; \) J, U: u) N万里长江横渡,极目楚天舒。( ?& Z( O  y0 h4 I3 |/ U
# Y, u4 ]3 v0 W% S7 v' f子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫!
$ q( ^* O+ @+ ^/ ~6 z, i, E( |风樯动,龟蛇静,起宏图。
( V. a- k7 C4 \9 m; D一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途。
4 c& P% W: b  {! b更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖。; K0 H7 Y. A2 j5 M% y
7 i$ X5 T# r0 Z; J# r( K, r7 T7 g1 w1 C3 {# D
Swimming . f$ n, t# \8 L6 m5 D8 O& O) D
I have just drunk the waters of Changsha6 T( j3 N1 v, D& a/ N
And come to eat the fish of Wuchang.
0 X9 \: o2 N9 m) HNow I am swimming across the great Yangtze,5 l  |' w" v0 g' P8 P8 h( u+ k9 N; ?
Looking afar to the open sky of Chu.; i0 S5 `+ W. _2 D* Z; M3 Q) [" _
Let the wind blow and waves beat,
4 m" W0 r% [$ w; M5 JBetter far than idly strolling in courtyard.
9 z( r, q# T/ e* T1 W. CToday I am at ease.
* x  s/ m- n* f8 O$ I3 J/ Y/ oIt was by a stream that the Master said --* Y  U& s# N% J; k4 j) y
"Thus do things flow away!" # Q5 P* m& S  o" E! ~
0 F) u5 ]5 F% N* w! l; j
Sails move with the wind.
. S; T9 n3 E+ X. t/ \6 a: }Tortoise and Snake are still.
$ S* @$ p: c. B7 AGreat plans are afoot:
" K+ X" X* u/ X4 bA bridge will fly to span the north and south,
( R$ `/ y9 ^" N* PTurning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare;2 M* V" T/ \0 Z  _0 G" |3 u
Walls of stones will stand upstream to the west
: T. s' r8 X) VTo hold back Wushan's clouds and rain
# e. m" d  L8 g* y% e4 ^) XTill a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.
' l+ r- \  `* ~' O" ]# i4 f' L- |The mountain goddess if she is still there
; F3 P# ~  z8 }Will marvel at a world so changed.$ m; C3 _9 B. ~
( y5 J& N" d* w" h* r
7 ~2 B, c1 f' t' x' J1 v. s
满江红 和郭沫若同志  1963.01.09
: _4 e& T0 e2 x3 i6 C# `
7 ?, ?+ u$ ?; H5 A/ a小小寰球,有几个苍蝇碰壁。) d) }/ S) G* Q' q- [# I
8 c3 J9 D0 d+ {蚂蚁缘槐夸大国,蚍蜉撼树谈何易。
% s" ^( C: `; d正西风落叶下长安,飞鸣镝。
- U2 Q8 {" W- B1 e$ B多少事,从来急;
! f7 }( Q3 z: _! c! T天地转,光阴迫。
- w; ]5 h  Y$ q9 y; {# f+ {一万年太久,只争朝夕。, t! [) a  W+ p  n" M- h
四海翻腾云水怒,五洲震荡风雷激。& ~& F6 M5 p5 F3 U( e3 W
要扫除一切害人虫,全无敌。: i& L0 S2 w% v- u; ?
2 w+ i; p7 q( [4 e5 X
Reply to Comrade Guo Moruo
  B3 s- a* L! S5 ?/ J; D
0 g) x8 Z" Z4 M0 V2 V  cOn this tiny globe: }1 S$ Q+ L6 N- X" H. f% }
A few flies dash themselves against the wall,
+ [) ?1 @: ?( C1 rHumming without cease," A5 Q8 P$ [8 x! W8 K
Sometimes shrilling,
: d7 y& l9 E" a6 Z8 @0 CSometimes moaning.8 H1 d8 u# O) ?+ v2 p/ m0 M2 J
Ants on the locust tree assume a great-nation swagger
" q7 X& M% _4 L+ YAnd mayflies lightly plot to topple the giant tree.
6 e4 w1 n  g' S7 f+ E2 h. B2 D2 H9 JThe west wind scatters leaves over Chang'an,
. b8 G; ?& Z* q; T. WAnd the arrows are flying, twanging.
& Y. q9 X0 ]7 O5 X/ d9 @
6 Y  \, p7 Q/ h$ l* h; nSo many deeds cry out to be done,
* L+ E) o& |0 I$ D/ W& W& _And always urgently;
, {# E; @) x& y* {" S* R" fThe world rolls on,- U+ S/ V/ P3 l- U0 k1 `
Time presses.; r" I8 N( i2 g( y* J2 L0 i) W
Ten thousand years are too long,+ m& @3 H+ ]  l4 a! X9 w
Seize the day, seize the hour!5 I6 o" m5 V  w+ M, ]
The Four Seas are rising, clouds and water raging,  H) r" l% q- D' L7 A
The Five Continents are rocking, wind and thunder roaring.: D7 E- ]1 H; J, v
Our force is irresistible,2 C, y8 f" d; L0 P+ Y3 v
Away with all pests!' t4 ~! W" H/ F+ j5 M  L; L
, A1 o* y  T# w) [9 Q

( V. h; \! V+ c$ A( G9 d; H七律 长征  1935.10
; T6 m8 S; }: `6 }9 f9 ^' Z6 p红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。
8 d' j& |. N: l' R. [! ~1 N五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。( H' X) j1 ^9 a& ]
金沙水拍云崖暖,大渡桥横铁索寒。" w4 Y7 w$ S; L; R# _
更喜岷山千里雪,三军过后尽开颜。. ]- j9 r) l: F7 d9 n- g
$ j" Z! m6 Y. s) Z3 ?
      The Long March . `7 x$ x# f$ N8 j+ g2 |
The Red Army fears not the trials of the Long March,
8 j: o$ w0 L) o9 X! d, m' BHolding light ten thousand crags and torrents.) }7 V" L% {& d) v  I2 `
The Five Ridges wind like gentle ripples,* S  R$ l9 c" r) T2 S% \# E
And the majestic Wumeng roll by, globules of clay.* U3 v* t% _& e# G5 V9 q0 F- q
Warm the steep cliffs lapped by the water of Jinsha,
+ P8 T) V8 H: R, TCold the iron chains spanning the Dadu River.
  U( I' r9 n1 M9 v- u% XMin Mountain's thousand li of snow joyously crossed,# X5 B7 ~# J/ Y5 _6 m6 q, h
The three Armies march on, each face glowing./ R+ B+ Y; r7 b1 U) y
: I' _" S, v! f# O+ E% i

6 i' V! L3 A3 ?- c: e忆秦娥 娄山关 1935.02 6 a9 v, F. p( P" R
6 n0 k5 V9 ~9 E长空雁叫霜晨月。& S  W1 E/ Y, V2 s+ }$ ]
+ @7 B, S$ m3 |' R, D4 j( s马蹄声碎,喇叭声咽。
6 _  @9 p4 g8 m: A; Q雄关漫道真如铁,
# t& k5 K, ]. \) g. B而今迈步从头越。0 |9 T; k% u/ T9 D& t+ r  o
/ X- J) Y! w  m& K0 _" {苍山如海,残阳如血。
. y4 ^3 U3 G" s6 B
0 X) R: i9 b0 E$ l/ l. CLoushan Pass 6 M) W) i7 Q5 b; k
Fierce the west wind,
2 x4 r8 e5 W1 lWild geese cry under the frosty morning moon.
+ k4 m" m1 a% p! `Under the frosty morning moon
% B( N/ J0 }! S8 SHorses' hooves clattering,' n: g+ K0 L& j$ X# D
Bugles sobbing low.
, L7 t2 ^8 |+ {$ r/ b+ v7 S7 OIdle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron,
1 E, q9 |, o* t3 I' F& C+ |( [3 XWith firm strides we are crossing its summit.. B) P$ Y7 x- \" O! i
We are crossing its summit,
& Z+ [. o, Q: w* E$ ^The rolling hills sea-blue,$ J' `1 Y/ y2 `. D& F, G, w
The dying sun blood-red.
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发表于 2004-3-27 18:51:00 | 只看该作者
! Z- {7 h" R: j+ R4 v. {. s谢谢


发表于 2004-5-17 13:04:00 | 只看该作者
- p5 p& c- _* C- y2 x) j毛泽东的胸襟无人能比,翻译者的英文造诣更值得赞扬。



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